Automatic Impulse Sealers

Automatic Impulse Sealers features functionalities where you 

Automatic Impulse Sealers


Automatic Impulse Sealers features functionalities where you can easily set the welding, refrigeration and contact time. It allows the user to work with both hands and free to hold and place the item or the bag between the seal bars.

Automatic Impulse Sealers features functionalities where you can easily set the welding, refrigeration and contact time. It allows the user to work with both hands and free to hold and place the item or the bag between the seal bars.

  • 998.00 DKK DKK

    Add more functionality to your ME AI Auto Impulse Sealers by providing an added console to make it more mobile and you can easily transfer or drag it to locations that it is more appropriate during your operations.

    998.00 DKK
  • 5,895.00 DKK DKK

    STEP 350AI Auto Impulse Sealers series made for 24/7 operation in any professional environment needing safe and easy sealing of PE bags and alike. Comes in 450 and 600mm width and 2, 5 and 10mm sealing wire width.

    5,895.00 DKK
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